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Marble Fixing


In addition to the design and manufacture of natural stonework, we are able to offer the complete service by the provision of site installation. Acting as either a Principal or Trade contractor, depending on how the client has structured the contract, we manage the sub-trades of skilled installers, mastic applicators, scaffolders etc., under the control and supervision of our site managers and engineers.

Under the provisions of our Quality procedures, all sub-contractors are selected from our approved lists. Our Project Managers, Engineers and Site Foremen are trained to promote and adopt a partnering philosophy with our clients.

The criteria to be met collectively by our staff and sub-contractors are:

  • Past experience and ability to complete projects to an agreed programme and budget. On time, first time
  • React quickly and efficiently to client changes and instructions
  • Strong Health and Safety and environmental awareness at all levels
  • Proactive business culture based on co-operation, active listening and positive values
  • Innovative ideas and proposals
  • Commitment to avoid defects
  • Desire to train and improve performance
  • Look to avoid disputes and eradicate adversarial attitudes
  • Aim for excellence in performance, quality and efficiency